Char in summer

Char in summer
New dressage horse

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Sewing again

Spring is struggling to arrive--darn that snow!--so there's too much of it to ride yet, so my thoughts have naturally turned to sewing. This year I became a "paid" member of Pattern Review
and I have boldly entered 3 contests: Handbag contest (now finished) Mini-Wardrobe (4 garments to make at least 4 distinctive outfits and a Stash Busting contest: The latter I have neglected badly.
Mt bag was made from a tapestry Western jacket in a Navajo weave and lined with stash fabric, so I stayed true to my mo of refashioning.. The Wardrobe entry will be entitled "Rockin' The Kasbah" and will be made entirely from my stash fabrics--pics to follow.
--I'm inviting everyone from over to my blog to view my struggles to create things.......

Sunday, February 7, 2010


This is "Classical Charmayne" a true "Dressage Horse"! I purchased her 2 years ago from my coach DJ Cairns, who raised, trained and showed her with great success. Char is attempting to "train" me--a hopeless cause! She is sassy, bossy and elegant, also quite patient and kind considering.
She is a Cadillac horse--Spook was more of a Mustang! She has a long neck and lovely sweeping stride. She is truly a Schoolmaster horse because if I don't get it right, she won't help me. I'm looking forward to a long summer of getting re-acquainted and brushing up on my riding skills.
It will be very different riding alone on my own place. I am also purchasing a 2-horse trailer, so I'm very excited about having complete freedom to get out and about and not having to depend on friends to go to shows and clinics.

Saturday, February 6, 2010


Here we are at last on our own acreage : Our private world of 11.6 acres of yard and pasture, ponies, goats and dogs.
We made the move on August 29th, 2010. It was a long drawn out process-still moving a few things actually from town--.
We survived Christmas, -35 degrees, 12" snow dumps, and we are actually loving it all. Barn chores are time to spend together even though stinky. The dogs are marvellous companions. Days are long for me because I have a 35-minute commute but it is a lovely drive and the best way to have peace and quiet and meditate and plan projects. Also CBC Radio 2 is great company.
I'm posting catch-up pics of everybody, since I haven't blogged for a long time....New Equine friends and companions......two magnificent white beasts to protect and patrol the farmyard......a new precious princess in the house.
Since it's Winter, my thoughts are on creative sewing projects and design, of course. I became a paying Member of "Friends Of Pattern Review" this year and I have entered a sewing contest already--from Feb 1st to April 1st--stash-busting ! This I need, since the move, which entailed carrying huge tubs of yards and remnants from the past 20 years, has increased my awareness that I need to start reducing my inventory of yard goods!!


all pieces minus purchased shirt